What We Aren’t

We are not: Convenient

There’s never enough time unless you make the time. You can wait until next quarter, next year, or next decade. There will never be enough time unless you prioritize it.

We are not: Creating “passive income” for ourselves

There are a lot of online programs available these days, which is great - the more the merrier! We built ours to be interactive, malleable and, of course, effective.

The key differentiation for us is that the materials aren’t the end, they’re just the beginning. You work and our writing is where we start. Throughout the program we’re right there with you, checking your assignments, answering your emails, showing up to workshop days, and having one-on-one sessions.

We are not: For everyone

We’re dedicated, a little “woo” and really care for our people. We take a holistic approach to your business and don’t feel that every answer/road/path is for everyone. We leave room for questions, new perspectives, and boundaries.

We are not: School

We aren’t the principal waiting to slap you on the wrist if you don’t finish an assignment. You’re in charge of your destiny, but we do hope that you will use your time with us wisely.

Worth every penny! I can totally understand people feeling trepidatious and I remember being nervous myself about making the investment BUT the monthly payments turned out to be super manageable and the support given in the group / one on one calls and via email immediately made it feel like I was getting a really high return on investment. Not to mention the positive effect I’m already seeing the program have in my life.
— Julia Somers, E-Commerce Consultant

Want more info NOW!? Ok ok! Here ya go! Ready to go? Fill out the application now.

Finances & Market Analysis

Talking about money is very hip these days — and it’s about time!

You’re running a business, and even if you’re a QuickBooks wiz, cash flow and strategy is a whole other ballgame.

As we told you before, when we talk about “growth” we mean  “strengthening” and what’s that code for? SECURITY. And that will come with a deep understanding of your money and learning how to anticipate what’s coming (or not) - all of that wrapped in a neat bow we call analysis.

We’ll help you uncover your personal and business financial responsibilities, make sure your goals align with your pricing and service offerings, then explore your cash flow analysis.

When we’re done with finances, we’ll move on to exploring your market. No small feat! We believe in the internet being a beautiful place of information, exploration, and creative fodder. Even if it feels uncomfortable, we want to look at who is doing what you’re doing and figure out where you fit in your industry.

Anchor & Orbit’s Business Foundations Program gave me the tools and philosophies I needed to get my business and my projects on track through process architecting and cash flow analysis. I now have a clear picture of what I’m working with, what I need, and more importantly, what I want.
— Shannon Byrne

Want more info NOW!? Ok ok! Here ya go! Ready to go? Fill out the application now.

Schedule & Goal Planning & Systems

We heart planning—

The first few weeks cover key components of the program with introduction journals, uncovering your current daily/weekly/monthly schedule & tasks. This is the first “what’s really happening” for you. It gives us peek into your real life. When we know what you’re up against, we can know more about how to help you.

Next, you’ll fill out the discovery docs, which leads to working on your BIG goal planning docs. The systems section shows up at the end, but it’s worth mentioning here that throughout the program we are working on the systems for your business. It’s hard work that takes time!

As you’re working on these first sections, you’ll have opportunities to engage with your facilitators during your “workshop” hours and have your first (or second) one-on-one call.

Sarah helped me to outline my goals for the future of my business and then break them down into actionable steps. ... I feel so much more secure in my role as a biz lady after taking the A&O course!

Meet The Facilitator: Devin Pope

What are your favorite parts of the program? The Discovery section will always have a special place in my heart because that’s where I was able to get things out of my head and start to make sense of them. My secret favorite part of the program is that the assignments keep growing with me. There is never “done forever,” and I love that. I might get my competitive analysis done to a point that serves me well, but then a month or two later I can go back in and add to it and make new discoveries. Read more from Devin.

Want more info NOW!? Ok ok! Here ya go! Ready to go? Fill out the application now.

Facilitator Profile: Devin Pope

Tell us a bit about why you facilitate this program: Because I believe in its philosophy and purpose down to the last detail! As you see on the sales page, I’m a alumni of the program and owe so much of my success and happiness in my work to what I worked through in the assignments, learned in the resources, and discussed in the one-on-one calls.

What are your favorite parts of the program? The Discovery section will always have a special place in my heart because that’s where I was able to get things out of my head and start to make sense of them. My secret favorite part of the program is that the assignments keep growing with me. There is never “done forever,” and I love that. I might get my competitive analysis done to a point that serves me well, but then a month or two later I can go back in and add to it and make new discoveries.

My secret favorite part of the program is that the assignments keep growing with me.

What has most surprised you about your work as a facilitator? People’s inability to see their own wealth of knowledge. (And I know I’m like this, too.) A lot of what I do as a facilitator is looking and asking questions. I see people’s goals, and ask questions that the answers to will provide clarity and direction. The answers are alllll the participant’s and have usually been there for some time, they just needed the questions to be asked.

Apply Today | Visit Devin’s Website

Facilitator Profile: Sarah Schulweis


Tell us a bit about why you facilitate this program:

Hi! I’m Sarah! I’m the founder and author of this program. My vision for this program is truly coming to life these days. From the type of people who participate to the incredible facilitators who are making the program shift and grow as it should.

There are two big reasons why I started this program. I knew, because of the inquiries and the conversations I was having, that the support and framework I provided was necessary, but for those who were just starting (who really needed it most) they needed it to be more affordable and bite-sized.

I love to see the light bulb turn on in someone’s mind at the exact moment when it all comes together and they have a moment of clarity.
— Sarah

The other reason I wanted a program was to create a more sustainable and consistent income stream for my business. I knew I didn’t want to create a program that people bought and threw away, but something that was as effective as one-on-one work. *I* wanted growth and sustainability. The bonus was that I created a place to process, refine, and systemize all that I had learned about businesses, both through my education and through my real-world experience.

What are your favorite parts of the program?

This isn’t a “part” of the program, but the result of it -- I LOVE the epiphanies! I love to see the light bulb turn on in someone’s mind at the exact moment when it all comes together and they have a moment of clarity.

The real aspects of running a business, that create the most heartache, are solvable. Loneliness in your work is solved by group workshop days, systems can be created even when it feels impossible and the ambiguity about your finances and your market can be uncovered and from there, you can create a path to growth and productivity.

What has most surprised you about your work as a facilitator?

For me, this program was an experiment. So, it was less surprise and more excitement that a system and process was as effective as I wanted it to be.

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A Resource Library

Stepping out of the noise:

Solutions to ease the pain points of a business owner and modern professional do exist. Apps, bots, software, courses, lectures, video series, articles, and more. Abundance has its curses, though, and a segment of people are too busy to scour the internet as well as too curious to let someone else take care of it. They want and need a concise, straightforward, tailored, reliable and actionable set of resources from credible experts. There are books, of course, thousands of books in the world, but what this group wants is answers, solutions, and systems they can build off of now.

An over-abundance of resources isn't the only challenge. Finding an ebook or course online is easy,  but because of the (successful and good) strategies, most of the content, positioned as a resource, is marketing and funnels to sell a more expensive product. We see a hole in the marketplace for informed, straightforward, and concise solutions -- without an upsell looming in the future.

One person writes most ebooks, courses, and articles out there. We treat our resources differently, with careful editing, strategic refining, and challenging of assumptions. Instead of one expert writing a book and sending it off to a copyeditor who has no say in the content, our authors talk at length with our strategists, editor, and designer, to fully expand (or reign in) the resource and add multidimensional opinions. We believe that many brains are better than one.

The guiding beacon for our resources is this trio: thought, action, change. Anchor & Orbit has built its reputation on the fact that there can’t be one of the three without the other. Through this commitment, A&O’s reputation has stayed free from BS, steeped in vision, planning, and making sh*t happen. This resource library will feel the same way.

Meet our first resource:

It’s natural that since Sarah started this project by answering her desire to deeply process her work that her resource is the first we publish. Her Guide, Achieving Your Goals: Understand, Create, & Maintain, takes the reader through goal uncovering, analysis, and thoughtful questions, to organizing a path to better work. Expect meticulous research, author reflections, and assignments designed to jumpstart the reader into action by setting up their long-term systems.

Another resource is about how to build (and maintain) a writing habit as a business owner. In this one you’ll learn how to take consistent, small action and identify yourself as a writer (or not!) You’ll also discover ways to ask for help in your writing process and begin building your writing community.

A third resource is advice and strategies for designers whose integrity is being challenged by clients who might want them to copy something off Pinterest. The author dives into her experiences communicating with clients and shares widely applicable lessons. Remember this resource when you’re feeling stagnant because it includes design and creativity warm-ups to help get you unstuck.

With all of our resources, the reader joins our community forum for three months so they can ask questions and interact with the authors and other readers.

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